Our Promise to You

our promise

We will always strive to give you the very best in restoring your vehicle to Hollywood condition! We'll work within your budget and deductible.

Call us at 317.846.6560 or click here to schedule your vehicle repair estimate today!

Hollywood's Collision Center has always been proud to be a supporter of our country and our veterans who fought valiantly to keep our nation free. Currently, Jeff has a son, Staff Seargent Cory Francis, who is a pilot in the United States Air Force and has been service this country for seven years. We appreciate his service and dedication and would ask that you keep him and all the men and women of the armed forces in your prayers for protection during their tours of duty. We also are committed in supporting our community of the greater Indianapolis area through worthwhile causes. It is our belief that in supporting the community and our great nation, we can only become better citizens and better people.

For this reason we are offering a 10% discount up to $500 for all veterans. We appreciate your service to our country and never forget your dedication to protect all our rights and freedoms. God bless you and God bless America!


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Tip of the Month

door dingIt's the heat of summer!  With all the warm weather in Indiana coupled with some torrential rain storms we've been experiencing, it all leads to a recipe for your tires going over potholes, nicks on your front bumer due to road construction, and the usual door ding at Kroger or Marsh parking lot.  Stop by or call us to setup an appointment so we can smooth those bumps and nicks out for you and if need be repaint portions of your exterior. Call us today at 317.846.6560!

I came out of a restaurant after a great lunch with a client and much to my dismay, I saw that my Lexus GS 350 had been backed into by a huge vehicle with a trailer hitch.  What made it more frustrating is that the person never left a note claiming responsibilty for it.  I took my car to Hollywood's Collision Center and worked with Jeff to get my car restored.  The final result, the GS 350 looked even better than when I first purchased it!  Thanks to Jeff and Hollywood's Collision Center for restoring my car to even better shape!   ~Tony
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